10 events found.
Council/Consistory Meeting
BykersThe council of SGURC meets this Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. at Dave’s, followed by the regular meeting of the Consistory.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us as we continue our study of I Peter. We will be resuming our study at I Peter 2.
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Sovereign Grace URC 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, Comstock Park, MI, United StatesCatechism Classes
Catechism meets after the morning service.12
Sunday Evening Service
Sovereign Grace URC 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, Comstock Park, MI, United StatesReformed Doctrine and Life Class
Reformed Doctrine and Life class meets after the evening service.
Reformation Day Celebration
In celebration of Reformation Day all young, old, and in between are invited to the Dick’s home for fellowship, fun, and refreshment: Saturday afternoon and evening, October 31, 5 P.M.- […]