Sovereign Grace United Reformed Church is a member of the United Reformed Churches of North America that holds to the historic Biblical Christian faith as summarized in the Belgic Confession of Faith, the Canons of Dort, and the Heidelberg Catechism, often referred to as the “Three Forms of Unity”. Formerly we were a church plant sponsored by Trinity United Reformed Church of Caledonia. We held our first service on August 15, 2010. We were organized on December 2, 2011.

We are located at 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, on the north-east side of Grand Rapids, Michigan, less than 5 minutes south of US-131 and West River Dr.. Our service times are 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM. If you are in the area, we’d love to have you join us!
Our pastor, Rev. Dick has labored in various Reformed churches in the United States and Canada over his 25 years in the ministry. We have been blest to have him as our pastor for the last nine years.
Sovereign Grace Church is part of the United Reformed Churches of North America. We seek to give glory to God, and shine forth His truth in this dark world.
Why are we called Sovereign Grace Church?
God is king. That’s what sovereign stands for. Our God is a sovereign God—kingly, majestic, the absolute monarch of heaven and earth! This is simply because He is GOD. He is the infinite, and the eternal ONE. He is One in Whom there is no imperfection, the Creator of the universe, the One Who bows to no one. Lord of stars and of nations, King of kings, Ruler of rulers,. Greatly, and greatly to be praised (Psalm 145:3)… We worship Him here, the Sovereign God!
Sovereign, That’s God!
God saves sinners. That’s grace. In free, unconditional love, God visits a God-rejecting place and race. Jesus, God’s own Son, is born of a virgin. He suffers and dies for the ungodly, and Rises from the dead that blood-bought ones Might share in the glories He attains! The Spirit is poured out from heaven into our hearts, giving us life, happiness, holiness, and hope. From out of this world, into ours God has come—so mysteriously, so beautifully, in free love to poor sinners. So God gets all the glory!
That’s grace.
What Christ forms us into—that’s Church. A body. A bride. A Church of Christ. A people so different, and yet one in Spirit, in truth, and in faith. Living, growing, worshiping, laughing, crying, giving, caring community in this world, and yet not of it—that’s Church. Seeking to save the lost, and seeking heaven.