Canons Class

Sovereign Grace URC 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, Comstock Park, MI, United States

Canons Class meets after the morning service. Up now: First Head of Doctrine: “Divine Election and Reprobation”

Sunday Evening Service

Sovereign Grace URC 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, Comstock Park, MI, United States

Consistory Meeting

Consistory will have its monthly meeting at Dave’s at 7:30 P.M.

Canons Class

Sovereign Grace URC 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, Comstock Park, MI, United States

Join us as we continue our discussion of the Canons of Dort.

Sunday Evening Service

Sovereign Grace URC 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, Comstock Park, MI, United States

Sunday Evening Service

Sovereign Grace URC 62 Lamoreaux Drive NE, Comstock Park, MI, United States